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Mar 01, 2018
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UN-Habitat publications
In the news
NEWS UnB Ceremony Merit of Honour - 2024
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Claudio Acioly is awarded with the Honor of Merit Title - 2024
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Resolução do Conselho Universitário No 0003.2024 - 2024
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Modulo Saber Sustentar - UBA Argentina - 2024
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Acioly Academic Mentions 20 July 2024 - 2024
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Moção de Aplausos Camara dos Deputados - 2024
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Dialogos Urbanos InterAtlanticos - 2023
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JURY Gobierno Costa Rica - 2023
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Dialogos InterAtlanticos - 2023
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ATHIS - Outubro Urbano - 2022
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UN-Habitat staff messages - 2022
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Monitoramento do PDS - acompanhando a agenda local - 2022
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Chile Digno - El Derecho a la Vivienda - 2022
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Claudio Acioly and Raquel Rolnik - UIA Congress Rio - 2021
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IUA Word Congress Rio - 2021
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Unlocking Market Intelligence for the Affordable Housing Sector - Data Agenda for Housing in Africa - 2021
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Webinar Municipality of Santo Andre - 2021
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465th Mention of C Acioly in ACADEMIA - 2021
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Accion por la vivienda y los asentamientos frente al COVID-19 - 2021
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Fortaleza - Sustainable Urban Development - 2021
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Planejamento Urbano e Mudanças Climáticas - 2020
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Inovaçāo em Rede - Cidades pela Sustentabilidade - IUC LAC Newsletter - Portuguese - 2020
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Innovation Through Networking - Cities for Sustainability - IUC LAC Newsletter - English - 2020
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Things media won't tell you about Affordable Housing - 2020
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Diálogos para 2030: preparando a cidade do Rio para o futuro - 2020
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Academia 302 references - 2020
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World Habitat Day - 5 October - 2020
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A cidade que queremos Pós-Pandemia: perspectivas 2030 2050
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Claudio Acioly at the CAU Santa Catarina - 2020
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Webinar OAB Curitiba - 2020
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CAU Sta Catarina - 2020
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Estado de Sao Paulo Journal_ex-chefe da ONU-Habitat - Sustentabilidade - 2020
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O Plano Diretor Não é do Governo, mas da Sociedade - Jornal Zero Hora - 2019
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Direito à cidade pautou primeiro grande debate do Congresso - 2019
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"Porto Alegre tem a oportunidade de se abrir para o rio", afirma arquiteto da ONU Habitat na capital gaúcha - 2019
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Nova Agenda Global tem como objetivo desenvolvimento urbano - 2019
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Plano Diretor deve ter monitoramento constante, diz Acioly - Monitoring the Master Plan Porto Alegre - Jornal do Comercio Interview - 2019
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Projeto Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Atores e açãës Locais para Compreensão e Apropriação da Agenda - Lecture at University of Palmas - 2019
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Appreciation by UN-Habitat - 2019
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UN-Habitat Plaque on Retirement - 2019
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Conferencia Magristral Colegio de Arquitetos - 2019
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Chefe da ONU-Habitat defende cidades compactas e conectadas - Jornal do Comercio interview - 2019
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III Congreso Internacional de "Vivienda y Ciudad: Debate en Torno a la Nueva Agenda Urbana" - 2018
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Affordable Housing - The Big Picture Social Media Toolkit - 2018
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Uma Perspectiva Global da Urbanização e Habitação - Desafios, Experiências e Liçōes - 2017
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Convite - A Nova Agenda Urbana e os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentàvel - 2017
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Os Despejados da Copa - Sem Solução à Vista - Correio Braziliense interview - 2013
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Housing Needs - Claudio Acioly - Trujillo-Peru - 2012
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Recognition by INFONAVIT_Mexico - 2011
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Unindo o urbano dividido: desafios e oportunidades - IPEA interview - 2010
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Urban Planning Laboratory - Development Asia interview - 2010
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Slum Business - Interview with News Corporaid in German - 2009
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Lincoln Institute Newsletter - 2007
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Urban poverty and planning - Press release lecture TU Delft - 2007
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Good news from Davao - 2007
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Press Release TU Delft Wetag - 2006
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How to face the day after - Erasmus Magazine - 2005
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BBC Brasil discute problemas das grandes cidades; envie preguntas - 2004
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Cartoon Cuba - 2004
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The relocation of squatter settlements in Brasilia - 1997
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Sign of Appreciation of Students of UMD 4 Master Programme 1987
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Os Rapazes da Banda - 5 - 1982
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Os Rapazes da Banda - 4 - 1982
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Os Rapazes da Banda - 3 - 1982
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Os Rapazes da Banda - 2 - 1982
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Os Rapazes da Banda - 1 - 1982
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Brasilia in Debate - 2 - 1982
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Brasilia in Debate - 1 - 1982
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Poetry at UnB Student News - 1981
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At the championships
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Iguaçano ganha Campeonato de Tenis no Novo México (EUA)
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Um Esporte Parte em Busca de uma Maior Popularidade
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Vila Paranoá Brasil
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The Play - Hoje Ainda é Dia de Rock
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Hoje ainda é dia de rock
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Convite - A Nova Agenda Urbana e os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentàvel
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Vivienda y Ciudad - Debate en torno a la nueva agenda urbana
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Guido dos Santos, o campeão do II "Open" - 1978
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Recognition Refresher Jordan
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Things media won't tell you about Affordable Housing - 2020
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World travelers
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Things media won't tell you about Affordable Housing 2 - 2020
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How to Face the Day After - Erasmus Magazine interview
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Farani e Acioli vencem Fácil no Satélite de Tênis
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Housing in times of crisis: reconciling recovery with scale, resilience and affordability
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